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What's your story?




If you had to give away half the content of your house what would you keep?


It was this question that started as a Friday night conversation over a bottle of wine and ended the weekend as a new business -  Elevate Lifestyle.


We've been married for 16 years but still cherish our salad bowl from our fifth anniversary. (Traditionally a wooden gift)


We noticed that the things that we valued most in our home were those that had a story to tell.  Sometimes this was a memory, sometimes a gift and  other times it was about what they represented to us.


In every case though, we realised that the most precious things around us, are the ones that are tied into our emotions.


We wanted to design and create things that connect to people's feelings, that are more than just new and that can be "Loved for a Lifetime". 


So we may be a team of 2 at the moment but if the olive tree has taught us anything, it is that it is worth taking the time to do things properly. 


This is Elevate Lifestyle. 


Dan & Caroline

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